Beard Hair Transplantation

Beard transplantation procedure is one of the hair transplantation methods. This procedure follows extraction of beard hair and the implementation of it to balding areas of the scalp by following follicular unit extraction techniques (FUE). This type of hair transplantation is also used in re-construction of new beard, or in enhancing the existing one. Although, it should be known that when constructing or enhancing beard, the hair is extracted from the scalp. At the end, patients may grow full beards.

Why extracting beard hair instead of extracting hair from the scalp?

You may find yourself asking the question above. The most common types of hair transplantation follow hair extraction from the donor zone, which is located in the back of the scalp in most cases. The hair on the back of the scalp is considered more resistant to hair loss as it’s thicker and hard. Although, not every patient has enough hair located in the donor zone. Furthermore, some patients come with no hair on the scalp. That’s when surgeons consider extracting hair from arms, legs, chest. Again, this method may not be suitable for all patients. In these cases, facial hair such as beard or moustache can be extracted and implanted to balding areas of the scalp.

There is a possibility of this method to work on patients with make pattern hair loss. Unfortunately, this method doesn’t work on patients who have no body hair at all.

Are there any risks or side effects of beard transplant surgeries?

Some of the temporary side effects of facial hair transplant are as follows:

  • Itchiness of scalp
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Sensitivity
  • Ingrown hair
  • Numbness of the face

Another point to highlight:

  • Sometimes men’s facial hair color may be different from their hair. Extraction and implementation of such hair may end up emphasizing the difference in colors. Therefore, it is not recommended.
  • Facial hair will not adapt its physical characteristics to the hair where the implementation will be done. Therefore, if the hair in the donor area is soft/hard/thick the implanted hair will grow as is.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of beard hair transplantation?

Let’s start this topic with benefits.

  • Through beard transplantation you can get the look that you desire. It won’t help you growing a full, thick bear but also it will help you get the shape you want. You can consult a medical surgeon and decide together on the amount of hair to be transplanted. 
  • Don’t say it is just beard… The studies show that the way your beard looks have an impact on how people see you. Men with beard are perceived to be stronger than others. The feeling of masculinity and the attention from the opposite sex make men with beard more confident.
  • Even if it looks like it’s a painful process, it isn’t. Each incision made on your face will be minimal and it won’t cause you too much pain. You will feel it like a mosquito bite on your skin.
  • Technology improved with time, so beard transplant recovery takes only a little time when compared to the past. The redness and swelling are a part of the process but it vanishes in a few days. If you don’t want to draw attention, you can always use a sick day.
  • You can normally shave and style your beard after some time after the beard/hair plantation. Hair restoration is fully possible. Implanted grafts will remain permanent on your face. Thus, it will allow you to regularly shave and style your beard.

How about the disadvantages?

  • As we all know, hair implantation requires a donor hair and the area where it will be implanted. In many of the cases hair follicles will be extracted from the back of the scalp. The area where the hair is extracted may look thinner for a while, but it should go back to normal with time.
  • It takes time for your new hair to attach. Therefore, you need to give yourself some time for hair growth. Try not to worry too much.
  • Last but not least, it’s a costly procedure. Beard transplantation follows fue hair transplant technique, in which the hair grafts are extracted individually. Number of grafts to be extracted is different for each case that requires different amount of time. 

What are the differences between a hair transplantation and beard transplantation?

Truth to be told, they both follow similar technique. There’s only slight difference in terms of the condition and characteristics of beard and the scalp.

While the male sex hormones- androgens- help moustache and beard to get thicker and stronger, it can also lead to hair loss and baldness.

It should also be considered that genetics play a big part in hair/beard growth and density. Different ethnic groups may experience different characteristics. Even if that’s the case, the overall density of your facial hair is less than that of the hair on your scalp. However, the facial hair and scalp hair are quite similar to each other. 

The basic techniques used in plantation can be used for both scalp and beard hair. Although, the planning is different from each other. If a beard transplant is considered, the medical surgeon must examine the whole face before deciding on how many grafts of hair should be extracted.

The extraction of the grafts from the donor area is pretty much the same for both beard and scalp transplant. Although, the difference comes in the distribution of the grafts.

The common positive aspect of beard and hair transplant is that they both provide permanent results. In both cases it will take time for the new hair to attach but eventually you will have full grown hair. That is to say, you won’t need to worry about having patchy or balding areas once you are done with both procedures.


What is beard hair transplant?

Beard hair transplant is transplanted hair from scalp to the face. We harvest hair follicles from back side of head (donor area) and transplant them to beard.

Why does your beard look patchy?​

If your beard is patch and lacking thickness you might be a good candidate for beard hair transplant. Generally hormones are the key players here and the may cause patchy beard.It is called testosterone responsible from man look and also from beards.

Does the beard hair transplant painful?​

When we performing anesthesia it will be painful for 5 min. Then patient won’t feel any kind of pain.

Do the beard transplant last forever?​

Yes. Because we harvest hair follicles from donor area which is a non-fallen area ,they last forever.

What to expect after surgery?​

First of all beard area maybe little bit red first 7-10 days after surgery. Then they start falling for a month and grow back gradually in 4-6 months. They are your own hairs  so they will grow like a natural beard. Patient can cut it or shape them.

What are the advantages of Beard hair transplant?

Studies shown that beards can make men seem stronger. Same time it gives confidence to men.
Operation is not painful. It takes 4-5 hours and then they act like your normal own beards.

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@Dr. Ahmed Altan

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Hair Transplant 2nd Step

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